
Below is a Prelinger Library historical timeline for 2004 through 2014, divided into categories of News, Events and Exhibitions. Starting in 2015 the Library’s timeline highlights were printed in book form (through 2020), and in pamphlet form since 2021. Copies of these publications are available for browsing in the Library.

2014 February 22: Lost Landscapes of Oakland at OMCA
February 19: The Itinerant Poetry Librarian at the Prelinger LibraryItinerant Poetry Librarian
January -March: Amy Balkin’s A People’s Archive of Sinking and Melting
2013 November: Acquired flat file from Holy Names University Library 
September: Featured by Station to Station Original Films
December 17: Lost Landscapes of San Francisco 8
April: Observatory Library exhibit opens within new Exploratorium
March 10: No More Road Trips?
November 9, 2013–June 29, 2014: Bay Motion: Capturing San Francisco Bay on Film at the Oakland Museum of California
September: Loaned materials to California Historical Society exhibit Unbuilt San Francisco: The View From Futures Past
2012 January: Donation of Epicenter Zone zine library
February: Donation of George Griffin library on animation, illustration, and handmade film
March – April: Art section organized
December: Publication of Powers of Ten book by FutureFarmers
December 11: Lost Landscapes of San Francisco 7 November: “Ex Libris” group show, curated by Microclimate Collective, at Root Division
2011 July: Ephemera collection fully organized April 9: Featured in Atlas Obscura Day
September 4: One-day on-site exhibit of library-based work by Artist in Residence Pierre Leguillon

December: Lost Landscapes of San Francisco 6

November: (Toronto) Exhibition of Artist in Residence Felicity Tayler’s library-based work
2010 March: Publication of Another Science Fiction October: Library co-sponsors THATCamp Bay Area event
November: Book release party, benefit for Nature in the City; “Mariposa Road” by Robert Michael Pyle
Oct–Dec: “The Document as Coordinate and Contract” course offered via SFMOMA’s
Pickpocket Almanac project
December: Artist in Residence Montgomery Cantsin presents library-supported work “Art Strike Time Capsule” with guests Re/Search’s V. Vale and Charles Gatewood
November: “I Live Here SF” group exhibit at SOMArts, curated by Julie Michelle
2009 June: Beginning of collaboration with Nonchalance, holding the archives of the Jejeune Institute for three years
July: Fifth anniversary celebration2009_5thPartycrowd01SMALL_byAmyBalkin
April: Library is the guest of Todd Lappin at the first Pop-Up Magazine event
May: Library featured in Matt Keegan’s solo exhibit “Postcards & Calendars” at Altman Siegel Gallery
Oct–Dec: “From Repository to Workshop: Reinventing the Library and Archives” course offered via SFMOMA’s Pickpocket Almanac project
January: Shorelines and Timelines, Outdoor Exploratorium exhibit, installed at Fort Mason, Building D
May: Maker Faire, “How-To Library,” 2-day installation
June: Installation of Greening the City Library at Studio for Urban Projects (through summer 2011)

September: Library featured in exhibition and artists book by Carla Herrera-Prats, Localization, Location, Ubicación

2008 June: Installation of ephemera annex shelves in the back of the room
July: Begin box-level organization and installation of ephemera collection

Fall: Public access to ephemera collection

March“Strange Weather” exhibit at Eyebeam Gallery, New York, exhibit developed in collaboration with Studio for Urban ProjectsMarch – Collaboration with Third Coast International Audio Festival, Chicago
April: Earth Day Library, installed at Nature in the City’s McLaren park Earth Day celebration
April: “Library History in Correspondence” exhibit in “Self Storage,” group show, CCA MFA program in Curatorial Practice, curators

MayMaker Faire, “How-To Library,” 2-day installation2008_RPMakerFaire

2007 November: Berkeley Center for Appropriate Transit donates bicycle literature library  October 3: Illuminated Corridor at the library AprilCommunity Library at Garden for the Environment
April: Earth Day Library, installed at Nature in the City’s McLaren park Earth Day celebration
April“The California Files” group show at CCA / Wattis Gallery, curated by Ariane Beyn

October: “In Popular Terms” exhibit at Eyebeam Gallery, New York; exhibit developed in collaboration with the Studio for Urban Projects

November: Browsing library installed at Other Cinema

ATA Library Table
ATA Library Table
2006 March: “Patriot Act” artwork installed by artist Vanessa Renwick, consisting of four words in neon: Free / Speech / Fear / Free2006_FreeSpeechNeonInstalled  
June: Library 2nd anniversary party
July: publication of The Field Guide to Sponsored Film
October: Book scanning partnership with Internet Archive commences
January: Library talk at Independent School of Art
September: Library talk at Proteus Gowanus in Brooklyn, in association with Reanimation Library 
Earth Day Library (on-site cabinet installation)2006_Earth_Day_CabinetSMALL
2005 February: Acquisitions road trip to State Library of Nevada in Carson City; acquired Foresta Institute library of western ecology
July: presentation at Society of California Archivists
February: Artists Television Access “Free Culture” evening library talk
December 11: Ephemera sorting party
July: “Documenting the Atomic Era, Promise and Response,” exhibit in “Simnuke” group show at Rx Gallery commemorating the anniversary of the Trinity test, curated by Camron Assadi and Sasha Harris-Cronin2005_SimNuke_atomicbox02  

 “Atomic Cabinet” exhibit at Other Cinema
2004 May: Shelves installed
June: Books shelved

September: First university class field trip to the library. Brought by Anne Walsh of UC Berkeley. Since this time, around eight classes per year have visited the library on field trips.2004_yellowwallwithwindows

June 6 – 13: Shelving Week! 65 volunteers helped us install the library
November: Ephemera sorting party2004_EphemeraSortingParty-1 2004_EphemeraSortingParty-2