In MAY: We are open twelve days of the month: four Wednesdays, three Thursdays, including two Place Talks events, and two Fridays, two Saturdays, and one quarterly Sunday. The full calendar is posted here:
The Library’s all-volunteer calendar of open hours is a wonderful thing. Following many years when the Library was open only when the co-founders were free, the Guest Host plan that commenced in earnest in 2015 represents a dramatic expansion of public access to the collection.
We might have to close early on Wednesday the 18th, though we will try not to. These occasional early closures on Wednesdays in 2016 are due to an overlap between the teaching career of co-founder Rick P. and the one-year commitment made by co-founder Megan P. to complete a curriculum in ornithology at the California Academy of Sciences. Rick P. is a professor at UC Santa Cruz and is mostly able to organize his commitments to that school so they don’t happen on Wednesdays. Sometimes, however, that commitment does pull him away. Megan P.’s ornithology curriculum meets Wednesday evenings once a month, except in May when it meets twice a month because of spring migration season. We are doing everything we can to arrange extra coverage for the dates when our co-founder school calendars overlap, and the occasional closures happen when such coverage is not available. Megan P.’s ornithology curriculum is just for 2016.