Music Research Strategies presents Indexical Moment/um: LIBRARY UNDERGROUND on August 10 & 11, 2017 from 4p to 9pm at the Prelinger Library. LIBRARY UNDERGROUND is a participatory research workshop and meta-ideologizing practicum addressing the need for decolonizing interventions and strategies to navigate the persistence of dominant ideologies in our midst. The practicum examines Underground Railroad narratives, secret quilt codes, and emancipatory technologies of fugitivity as part of an international undertaking to recontextualize, remix, and reinsert emancipatory language to address the occupation, exploitation, incorporation and hegemonic domination of oppressed peoples.
The goal is to build an living archive starting with 100 artifacts. Participants will receive an orientation to the library and the project, browse the stacks and scan emblems, signs, and discourses on warrior ethos, fugitive survival strategies, and solidarity economic and decolonial practices.
LIBRARY UNDERGROUND kicks off August 10 & 11, 2017 from 4p to 9pm. The is wheel-chair accessible and donations are kindly accepted at the door.
On Saturday, August 12 at Omni Commons, Music Research Strategies presents Improvisatory Nature of Fugitivity at the Zapatista Conference. Learn more about these and other events at and