Welcome to March!
People in the Library
Starting in mid-February we are joined by Nishant Batsha as a writer in residence extending into the month of May: Nishant (www.nishantbatsha.com) is a writer and novelist living in the East Bay. He will be using materials at the Prelinger Library to research and write his third novel, set in the near-future on a smoke-filled Mendocino coast.
March Library Events
Thursday the 7th filmmaker and poet Amy Bergstein will convene a Visual Poem Workshop cross-pollinating poetry with visual art.
Participants’ departure point for the workshop is a poem. Ideally, the poem is by a contemporary Bay Area poet who can be there to recite the poem and participate in the workshop… details to be confirmed. Each participant will be assigned a section of the poem and will then create a collage from library materials guided by the mood and spirit of the poetry passage they’ve been assigned on one of the sections of paper. At the end, the group will come together to assemble the pieces into a visual transcription of the poem that was read at the beginning of the workshop. Participation is limited to 15, please RSVP to info@prelingerlibrary.org and/or amybergstein@gmail.com with the words March 7 workshop in the subject line.
Place Talks Season 5 wraps up Thursday the 14th with talks by Amy Berkowitz and Justus Kauffman Zimmerly!
Sunday March 17: Quarterly Sunday hours with Adrianne and Bryan!
Update on news in February’s letter:
A few pages from Norm Therkelson’s clippings books on Redevelopment in San Francisco will continue to be installed in the exhibition Here We Live https://kadist.org/program/here-we-live/ at KADIST Foundation for the Arts through April. It turns out that the exhibit is entirely comprised of flat-screen media images, with the exception of Norm’s work. All of us who value Norm’s accomplishment with his clippings books will doubtless share in our appreciation for the fact that Norm is a named artist within the exhibition, and is receiving a modest artist’s fee for his work (shared with the Library’s general fund).